Why fetched games have Ads?

Imported or fetched games often contain in-game ads. Can I remove these ads from the imported games?
No, it’s not possible. Even if it were, it would be illegal. Let me explain how this business works.
HTML5 game developers publish or submit their games to game distributors. Publishers who are looking for free games can then select these games from the game distributors.
To make this system profitable, game distributors provide an in-game Ads API that HTML5 game developers must integrate. Revenue from these ads is shared, with 33% going to the game distributor, 33% to the game developer, and 33% to the publisher. This system is referred to as Rev-share. Please note that the rev-share percentage can vary among game distributors.
As a CloudArcade user, you are considered a “publisher.” To earn rev-share, you need to register as a publisher on the game distributor’s site – that is, the game source you’re using.
Most game distributors have a publisher program. However, not all of them do. For instance, Playsaurus currently does not have a publisher program, and their games don’t contain any ads.
How much you earn depends on the number of players you have and how frequently the ads are shown. CloudArcade does not guarantee your success, nor does it ensure that the listed game distributors will always remain in business.
If you want ad-free games or if you want to use your own ads and keep 100% of the revenue, you can upload your own game or purchase HTML5 games. There are plenty of them available on Codecanyon.